Drug Alcohol Rehab Now
Drug and alcohol rehab share many similarities since they are
both based on some form of substance addiction. Drug and alcohol
treatment generally focuses on abstinence unlike other forms of
rehab, such as for eating disorders, which focus on moderation.
Also, with drug and alcohol treatment there is usually a detox
period at the beginning, to rid one's body of the toxic substances.

I know what you're thinking, "Not another addiction rehab
website!" Well, this one is different. Besides presenting
"just the facts" information, this site also strives
to be hip and relevant as well. Yes, at times we will speak like,
"Drug and alcohol addiction crosses all cultural and socio-economic
boundaries," which is the politically correct way to say
it doesn't matter if you're rich, poor or of a different race
or group, substance abuse is part of your life, like it or not.
We try to keep the analytical, textbook,
PC language down to a minimum when talking about
addiction and rehab since this kind of language puts off many
people. Our hope on this website is to speak in plain language
in regards to information about the facts of drug and alcohol
addiction and rehabilitation, thus remaining relevant to most
of our readers.
This site is dedicated to substance abuse rehab centers and treatment
models, information and programs, though we define rehab loosely
so that treatment not only includes formal rehabilitation centers,
but also 12-Step groups, family, friends, reading, research, message
boards, dietary changes and whatever other changes that will help
a person overcome and then manage their addiction.
The use of the word "rehab"
implies using all of one's personal, spiritual and support
tools to deal with substance abuse.
Now, that that's been said, we do have a couple of sections on
substance abuse rehab centers as this is what it will take for
many to kick-start their personal recovery treatment programs.
Just like drug and alcohol addiction is an individual disease
that affects many, rehab from addiction is also an individual
process that works better when you can share your individual struggles
with others in a similar situation. Just because addiction is
individual doesn't mean you have to be alone in treatment. This
is the part that is confusing to many.
Consider a team sport such as baseball,
basketball, football or soccer. A favorable outcome
depends on both individual effort and working as a team. The same
can be said of addiction recovery. The addict needs to make an
individual effort, but working in a team setting is also very
helpful. The addict can also work as a team member to help others
as well. Many find service to others to be of grea personal benefit.
It is often said that we are only as sick as our secrets. Alcohol
and drug addiction is no different. Part of rehab is breaking
the cycle of silence that keeps many trapped in the disease process.
By talking and sharing with others who support your rehab process,
inside and outside of treatment, there is hope, strength and recovery.
Quick Facts on Addiction
Drug abuse costs $600 billion annually due to lost productivity,
health issues and crime.
Drug rehab admissions for Baby Boomers 50 and over rose 50-percent
between 1992 and 2008. The number is expected to go up.
According to a study by the Archives of General Psychiatry, for
cocaine users, 35-percent of those in rehab for 90 days or less
will relapse while only 17-percent of those who are in rehab for
over 90 days will relapse.
Updated February 21, 2015