Category: Addiction Treatment

  • Federal Prisons Punish Those Who Use Addiction Medications

    Despite Congress’ directive for the Bureau of Prisons to make Suboxone and other medications widely available, only a small fraction of those who need the help have received it. Suboxone works to treat Timothy York’s decades-long opioid addiction, effectively quieting cravings. According to York, contraband drugs and violence are prevalent in the facilities where he…

  • Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment With Heart Medication – New Study Shows Promising Results

    The use of alcohol has become a growing problem for society. The World Health Organization has reported that harmful drinking is on the rise in all parts of the world, including developed countries. In fact, there are more than 200 million people who suffer from alcohol-related health issues and problems as a result of their…

  • Top 6 Benefits of Psilocybin Drug Therapy in the Treatment of Alcoholism ‍

    According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, nearly 17 million Americans are alcoholics. Many of these people go on to develop a secondary condition called “coping” or “secondary” alcoholism as a result of their drinking. Coping or secondary alcoholism is when an individual has developed an unhealthy relationship with alcohol because of…

  • Online Virtual Alcohol Treatment Innovation

    For years, America has been in the grips of an addiction epidemic. Addictions within various drug groups has gone up, especially when it comes to synthetic and prescription opioids. However, an addiction that is not going away is alcohol addiction. Alcohol treatments are still commonplace in American society. Finding innovations to improve treatments standards has,…

  • California Client Bill of Rights for Addiction Treatment

    Drug addiction as California is increasingly in the news. The state has fought for years to try and find a better solution, and it looks like one might finally be coming into place. The development of a new California law will mean that addiction treatment service providers have to notify their clients of some very…

  • Discrimination in Opioid Addiction Treatment

    Given the severity of the opioid crisis in America, the need for treatment has been a decades-long discussion. However, recent reports show that treatment for opioid addiction can often lead to some pretty significant discrimination acts. That is a serious problem and plays a significant role in hobbling any positives that can come from many…

  • WH Opioid Plan to Target Trafficking and Treatment

    It is no secret that America is having a serious problem with opioids. While the US Government looks to hold court on every subject from the conflict in Ukraine to discussions over the gas & oil industry, the opioid problem is still bubbling in the background. Those who are fighting the battle in treatment centers…

  • Treatment for Alcoholism in Monkeys Promising for Humans

    Despite being one of the most common addictions for people in America, it would be fair to say that humanity has never truly gotten to grips with alcoholism. Today, it is still extremely common to hear of people who were in otherwise promising professional positions to succumb to the dangers of alcoholism. The problem has,…

  • Realistic Addiction Treatment

    Ask anyone who has suffered through addiction, and they will tell you the hardest part is breaking away from that routine. When addicted, it is easy to see every activity through the lens of consumption. Enjoying a sports match? It should be enjoyed with the addicted substance. Taking part in a social occasion? It would…

  • Drug Addiction Treatment Instead of Jail

    When it comes to combatting drug-based crimes, it is a common suggestion by the public to simply jail those who offend. Drugs are a blight on society, the assumption goes, and for that reason anyone taking part in using drugs is part of the problem. However, such a Spartan view of the complex drugs culture…

  • Kelly Osbourne Gets Addiction Treatment

    Several news articles and reports have kept Kelly Osbourne on the minds of the public for the past several months. The controversial exit of her mother from a Talk Show, the diagnosis of her father with Parkinson’s disease –both incidents left a massive impact on the life of Osbourne. Furthermore, she has been experienced lots…

  • Drug Addiction Risk Algorithm

    If we look at the stats, the past two decades show increasing cases of drug overdose crises. US Department of Justice is observed to invest several hundred million dollars in handling prescription drug databases so that a vigilant eye can be maintained on the pharmaceutical market. Almost every US state is now following one or…

  • Addiction Treatment: How ER’s Fail Patients?

    Reports reveal that Jameson Rybak made several efforts to quit opioid usage within the past five years. Still, he couldn’t sustain the outcomes causing sweating, vomiting, and chills in the entire body. His mother, Suzanne, supported his determination and consistency to quit the addiction, but the situation turned to the worst-case scenario within very little…

  • Naltrexone and Bupropion Treatment Helpful for Meth Addiction

    As one of the most damaging addictions in America at the moment, meth addiction is a quiet nightmare for American health and bodies. The need to try and come up with ways to help combat meth addiction has been challenging. However, for years, this has been a losing battle for most medical experts – until…

  • First Drug-Treatment Specialty Prison Going Live

    The first ever drug treatment prison is about to open in the United States. Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt announced that the facility would be opened in Topeka, Kansas, and would be given approval for funding. The budget of around $6m will be used to convert a facility at Lansing Correctional Facility into a 240-bed…

  • Two Drug Combo Shows Promise for Meth Addictions

    As one of the most damaging addictions in modern society, meth addiction has ruined countless lives. The addiction has become a major part of American society, becoming a scourge in both working class neighborhoods and affluent areas. Regardless of your background or your income, you might just find yourself drawn into circles where meth is…

  • Peer Recovery Programs for Addiction Treatment

    For years, addiction has been a long-discussed subject without ever clear and obvious route forward. This has been a long-term problem, with one specialist unit offering totally different solutions to a comparative unit. For this reason, knowing what we can and cannot trust is becoming increasingly hard for those who want to get addiction treatment…

  • Contingency Management Promising as Drug Addiction Treatment

    In case you hadn’t notice, the United States has been in the grip of a long battle with opioids and drug addiction as a whole. The nation has become one of the most challenging in the world to move away from a dependency on prescription drugs, and addiction has become rife across the country. Most…

  • Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Abuse Gets Wide Acceptance

    For years now, there has been an increasing desire to fine solutions for treatments of opioid abuse. The problem has become consistently one of the most serious issues in American healthcare and shows no signs of slowing down or abating. In a bid to try and get ahead of the problem, though, healthcare professionals have…

  • Professional Football Player Helps Youths with Drug Addiction

    Darren Waller was already aware that he was traveling to the world’s most popular tourist destination. He was well aware of the unlimited entertainment options and the vibrant lifestyle of the Strip. However, after spending a few days in Las Vegas, the Raiders football player realized that there was much more to explore in this…