Category: Designer Drugs

  • New Synthetic Drug U-47700 Under Scrutiny for Deaths Across the U.S.

      A highly potent, new synthetic drug has been added to the list of Schedule I drugs, after cases of deaths related from an overdose from using it were reported from different states in the U.S. This is an opioid analgesic known as U-47700. Developed in the 1970s by the pharmaceutical firm, The Upjohn Company,…

  • Businessman’s LSD or DMT Hits Streets of Los Angeles

    It’s called “Businessman’s LSD” or “LSD on steroids” but Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is the drug of choice for many young users especially near college campuses. Made from mimosa root bark and solvents this hallucinogenic drug is replacing many other illicit substances in the Los Angeles, California area. According to NBC News Los Angeles, “Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), extracted…

  • Synthetic Marijuana Linked to Deaths

    A synthetic pot probe is underway concerning three recent deaths and at least 75 hospital emergency room visits in Colorado. The fake marijuana is sold in some convenience stores in packets of herbal supplements. This herbal packets have been sprayed with chemicals that will give smokers a high. According to the Denver Post, “The CDC…

  • Convenience Stores Saying No to Bath Salts

    Here’s a common sense story that shows a grass roots movement to educate convenience store owners about the dangers that bath salts pose to the community. While Ohio is in the process of making bath salts (the ones that people are using to get a drug high) illegal, other communities have turned to education. According…

  • Bath Salts Drugs on Chopping Block in Ohio

    Makers of synthetic drugs and packaged them as bath salts may now get stiffer penalties in Ohio. Attorney General Mike DeWine wants to go after the makers, sellers and users of so-called bath salts which in effect if ingested act like a hit of both methamphetamines and hallucinogens. According to the Columbus Dispatch, “Ohio has…

  • Bath Salts Being Used for Stimulants According to Drug Czar

    Just when you thought that taking a nice, long hot bath was a relaxing experience, think again. According to U. S. White House appointed Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske the buying of some bath salts is being used for people to achieve an amphetamine-like high. Two substances found in some bath salts called MDPV and mephedrone…