Link Between Childhood ADD & ADHD and Addiction

Over the past couple of years, the link between childhood ADD and ADHD and addiction later in life has been well documented. But, the research has also caused some confusion among parents who have resisted medicating their children for these disorders for fear that this will lead to a chemical dependency problem later.

What some parents have failed to realize is that undiagnosed and untreated ADD and ADHD have the highest rates of addiction for these disorders. In A Mother’s Diary, Barbara Mulloy-Robbins M.C., M.S.C., talks about her own personal experience raising two sons with ADHD and their chemical dependency issues later.

Robbins, like many other researchers conclude that early diagnosis and treatment of these disorders offers the best prognosis for avoiding addiction problems later in life.

2 responses to “Link Between Childhood ADD & ADHD and Addiction”

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