Huffing or Inhalant Abuse Rises 44-percent in Two Years
A two year old study by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America says that huffing, or inhalant abuse is up 44-percent over the two prior years among sixth graders. Inhaling aerosol sprays, rubber cement, rubbing alcohol, glue, permanent markers, paint, butane, correction fluid, gasoline, Freon, Dust-Off, whipped cream and nail polish are just a few…
New Research Study Points to Brain Addiction Vulnerability
In the United Kingdom, University of Cambridge researchers have discovered that those who lack the neurotransmitter dopamine, at the top of the brain stem, are predisposed to compulsive behavior including drug addiction. The study conducted with rats and cocaine made a link between impulsive and compulsive behavior. Â Positron emission tomography (PET) scans were used on…
Addiction Blog: The Beginning
Welcome to the first post in the Addiction Blog. We have moved the news items found in the Drug and Alcohol Alerts section of the website to this blog so that we can not only bring you news, but also opinion, interviews and factual information that does not easily fit within the confines of the…