Heather Locklear Enters Drug Rehab
As one of the most recognizable faces in showbiz, Heather Locklear has long been an inspiration to many. Her career has been one of many successes, and she’s seen by many as an icon. At present, though, the tumultuous life of the star has led to her checking into rehabilitation. Voluntarily agreeing to the rehab…
Study Says Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Addiction Under-Used
As the American opioid crisis stretches into another year, there is little hope for those who look for solutions. At the moment, the crisis has become a sub-story and has fallen to the wayside, despite being one of the major medical problems in modern America. Another issue is that studies have recently shown that many…
Prescription Drug Suboxone Helping in Addiction Treatment
Addiction treatment is without doubt one of the most challenging sides of medical management in modern society. The multiple layers involved in addiction can make it hard for definitive solutions to be provided, and for people to get the help and the care that they need. However, The South Carolina Primary Care Specialists clinic, Forestbrook,…
Scientists Working on Anti-Opioid Vaccine
As the U. S. opioid epidemic reaches new levels, scientists have been tagged to create a solution. The crisis, which has become a major story in the last years, needs more than simple “just say no” slogan campaigns. While many like to paint the problem as one developed by free will and poor choices, addiction…
Opioid Overdose ER Visits Up By Nearly One Third
As the American opioid epidemic continues to worsen, new stories are coming clear about its severity. According to the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, hospital emergency departments are seeing a massive increase in opioid overdose cases. From July 2016-September 2017, a CC report known as Vital Signs shone a light on the significance…
New York City Sues Pharmaceutical Companies for $500 Million Over Opioid Crisis
The city of New York sued eight drug companies for $500 million, blaming them for the opioid epidemic that has killed more people than the combined deaths attributed to car accidents and homicides. New York is one of the most populous cities in the US. In 2016, more than 1,100 deaths were caused by opioid-induced…
A Town Of 3,200 Was Flooded With Nearly 21,000,000 Pain Pills
Opioids or painkillers have flooded the small town of Williamson, West Virginia allegedly causing the death of many people. According to sources, the said incident has claimed the lives of more people due to overdose than in any other country in the world. It was revealed by the House Energy and Commerce Committee that…
Children Being Caught Up in Opioid Crisis
In 2016, Florida experienced a 35-percent rise in the number of deaths due to opioid abuse. This has led to legislators looking over the options to combat this rising tide of drug addiction which affects those who are hooked on opioids and their children as well. Opioids have powerful addictive qualities and many who have…
What to Look for When Trying to Find an Opiate Addict?
When you are trying to lookout for an opiate addict, it might not be as hard as it seems. Unlike other addictions, opiate has this obvious vibe around the addicts. There are withdrawal symptoms as the addict has been trying to control or hasn’t had an opportunity to take his dose. This pushes them to…
Reducing the Amount of Opioids in Homes
Opioid abuse and addiction can start in different ways, and one of these is the temptation that leftover opioids present. With roughly billions of unused opioid prescriptions left in American medicine cabinets and sock drawers, individuals have easy access to these addictive drugs. Even holiday party attendees can raid these hiding places and get…
Kratom Herbal Supplement for Heroin Addiction Could Also be Addicting
Kratom has been hailed as a natural, miracle cure for heroin addiction, providing a means for those addicted to heroin a real path towards releasing themselves from the hold that the drug puts on its victims. However, kratom has also been called highly addictive as well and some believe that it is simply trading…
Opioid Epidemic Getting Worse not Better
U. S. public health officials have said that the opioid epidemic is not getting any better. Testifying at a Senate hearing, Dr. Debra Houry, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and other public health officials said that opioid addiction in America has taken a turn…
Cocaine Addiction Could be Zapped Away by Magnetic Pulses
In 2012, Luca Rossi tried to kill himself by hanging in Perugia, Italy. He tied the belt from a wardrobe and was choking when his fiancee walked in. He struggled to safety, and in his mind was defeated even in his last act. Luca Rossi had everything from a medical career, future plans, to a…
Yaba Addiction Destroying Young People
Oishee Rahman from Bangladesh was addicted to yaba. In 2013, at 17 years of age, she committed a horrendous crime. Concerned about the state of their daughter, Rahman’s parents not only confined her to their Dhaka apartment but also took away her phone. Angry at the treatment, Rahman put sedatives in her parents’ coffee. Once…
Rehab at Home for Teens with Addictions
Is it possible to treat teens with addictions at home, the very place they struggle to stay sober? A Connecticut-based company called Aware Recovery Center has proved that it does. Of those who sought treatment with the Aware program, 64% completed it and 72% have stayed in treatment or are abstinent. The latter figure is…
Why People Should Not Use the Term ‘Addict’ on Anyone
While it might not mean anything to most people, the term “addict”, especially when used to identify a person who has an addiction to drugs, is a demoralizing word. Since time immemorial, there are people who have the notion that it is alright to refer to someone as an “addict” when in truth, this is…
Gray Death Is The Latest Opioid Of Concern
The opioid epidemic is on the rise and is showing no signs of stopping, yet another player has joined the game and is making it even more dangerous: Gray Death. Its name sounds ominous, but you wouldn’t know it just by looking at the drug itself. It looks a lot like concrete mix at first…
Philippine President Duterte Says Bullets Better Than Drug Rehab
Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, has slammed the European Union for criticizing his bloody war against drugs and suggesting that drug rehabilitation is the right solution. There have been 8,000 drug-related killings since Duterte became the country’s president in June 2016. The police have assumed responsibility for more than 2,500 of these deaths,…
Opioid Epidemic Not Driven by Prescription Painkillers
Prescription painkillers are no longer causing opioid epidemic, according to a top official for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This was revealed at a congressional hearing that heroin and illicit fentanyl were instead the culprits for the rising rate of drug overdoses. Proven Wrong Based on Research The fact that prescription opioids…
New Synthetic Drug U-47700 Under Scrutiny for Deaths Across the U.S.
A highly potent, new synthetic drug has been added to the list of Schedule I drugs, after cases of deaths related from an overdose from using it were reported from different states in the U.S. This is an opioid analgesic known as U-47700. Developed in the 1970s by the pharmaceutical firm, The Upjohn Company,…