Other Kinds of Addictions
This website and blog focuses primarily on drug and alcohol addiction and rehab as a means to recover from these addictions. I would like to take a short break from this focus to point out that there are other kinds of addictions worth noting. Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard about eating disorders and gambling addictions…
Amy Winehouse Dies – Speculators Says Drugs Alcohol Involved
There is no proof yet that famous singer Amy Winehouse who died Saturday, July 23 in London, England did so because of drugs and/or alcohol. The toxicology reports are still 4 weeks away and the initial coroner’s autopsy was inconclusive. Adding to the mystery is that no illicit drugs or alcohol were found by her…
Zanny the Nanny Xanax and Addiction
In the Casey Anthony trial that is happening now, we were introduced to “Zanny the Nanny” which is what Ms. Anthony called her fictitious babysitter. Anthony also called her babysitter Zenaida and said Zanny was short for that. But, anyone who has been around the drug and alcohol field for a while will recognize that…
My Fellow Addicts Says James Taylor in Crowded Courtroom
James Taylor addressed drug offenders as “my fellow addicts” in the Pinellas courtroom in Clearwater, Florida today. The five-time Grammy winner told the large crowd of rehab graduates that they have a friend as he spoke of his own heroin addiction and subsequent 30-year abstinence. The program was started 10 year ago and has seen…
Dennis Quaid Comes Clean on Cocaine Addiction
Well, Sheryl Crowe may say some guy was her “favorite mistake” but when it comes to Dennis Quaid and cocaine he says it was his “biggest mistake.” In a recent interview, Quaid told Newsweek, “My greatest mistake was being addicted to cocaine. I started after I left college and came to Los Angeles in 1974.…
Videos of Drug Addicts and Alcoholics Personal Testimony
I received in interesting email about some video of drug addicts and alcoholics telling their personal testimonies. Some of the videos and stories are quite compelling. I recommend if you start watching the videos that you start with: “Recovering Heroin Addict – Episode 1: John’s Story” Heroin has often been dubbed as one of the…
Bath Salts Being Used for Stimulants According to Drug Czar
Just when you thought that taking a nice, long hot bath was a relaxing experience, think again. According to U. S. White House appointed Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske the buying of some bath salts is being used for people to achieve an amphetamine-like high. Two substances found in some bath salts called MDPV and mephedrone…
All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Pounds of Drugs
For one of the Mexican drug cartels, smuggling two pounds of cocaine and two pounds of methamphetamines inside a vacuum cleaner into the U. S. sucked – literally sucked – this Christmas season. You see a Green Bay, Wisconsin woman received a Christmas present from her two kids which was a vacuum cleaner than had…
Free Alcohol for the Homeless in British Columbia
In British Columbia, Canada there was a study conducted by University of Victoria that stated that the hiking of alcohol prices along with the controlled administration of alcohol for the homeless would actually reduce addiction and binge drinking. The wisdom of the study sounds counterintuitive so let’s spend a minute discussing the reasoning behind this…
Of Drivers Dying in Car Crashes 18-Percent Were on Drugs
According to a report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 18-percent of the drivers who died in 2009 had drugs in their systems. Of the approximate 22,000 drivers killed in car crashes last year, 63-percent were tested for drugs and approximately 4,000 turned up positive (There were also another 22,000 non-drivers killed in…
Red Ribbon Week October 25 – 29 2010 Creates Drug Awareness
Red Ribbon Week is typically held the last week of October every year. This year Red Ribbon Week is being held October 25 – 29, 2010 and there are many schools across the country acknowledging this. The history of Red Ribbon Week starts with DEA Special Agent Kiki Camarena who was kidnapped in Mexico in…
Lindsay Lohan and Her Revolving Rehab Door
It may have well have been an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie saying “I’ll be back.” Instead of the California governor however is it actress Lindsay Lohan who is spending her 5th stint in rehab within the past 3 years. Lohan is now out on $300,000 bail and in going back into drug and alcohol rehab until…
Classic Case of Denial in Drug Addiction
Today I would like to outline a classic case of denial in addiction that is happening in the same county in which I live. A year ago former county supervisor and assessor Bill Postmus was arrested on felony drug possession charges. Besides this Mr. Postmus has been in the news for charges of conspiracy, bribery,…
Mexican Drug Cartel Kills Patients in Rehab
Many people think of drug and alcohol rehab as a place to get away from ordinary life, regroup and get yourself together before you face the world again. And, for most people this is their experience. But, in Mexico with the drug cartels escalating their violence, not even rehab clinics are safe. This week 19…
Return of Meth Labs?
This article is from guest blogger, Beverly M., LCSW who teaches an addiction class in California: With the crack down on Methamphetamine labs from the federal, state, and local governments, many meth labs ceased operation and / or moved to Mexico. Statistics from the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) show that there were 13,572 meth lab…
Dr. Drew’s Celebrity Rehab Study in Addiction
A lot of people like to see celebrities trip and fall. Some take pleasure out of jealously while others feel more connected to the celebrity as a human being rather than a persona. I’m not mentioning Dr. Drew’s Celebrity Rehab to promote the TV show. I’m mentioning it because it shows some of the human…
Drug Tunnel from Mexico Found in Otay Mesa California
In a joint effort between Mexican and U. S. law enforcement agencies a 900-foot tunnel was found connecting Tijuana, Mexico to Otay Mesa, California. Officials said that one of the Mexican drug cartels was most likely responsible and had paid upwards of $1 million USD to construct the tunnel. The tunnel started inside a warehouse…
Basic Meth Recipes Uncovered
Basic meth recipes are making it easier for addicts to continue their habits. This news comes from the Polk County Sheriff’s office in Florida. According to the report, even after the laws were tightened in 2006, putting some of the basic ingredients behind the counter, those who have a will for the drug still have…
Diprivan Drug Abuse an Increasing Problem
Ever since Michael Jackson’s death, Diprivan, or Propofol as it is also known, a powerful sedative used exclusively inside a hospital setting has become a household word. Diprivan is typically used by anesthesiologists for putting a person under during a surgical procedure. Within days of Michael Jackson’s death, two rumors were floated regarding Diprivan. The…
Pink Sober Hits Home for Those Struggling with Addiction
Well, this blog post is a departure from many of the others that I’ve post over the past months, in that it talks about a song from Pink called “Sober”. All I knew about the song at first is that it had a rousing melody and was sung from the heart. Then I started listening…