12-Step Alternative Treatment Centers - Programs
for Change
The 12-step alternative
treatment programs that are available today appeal to those who
have already tried the 12-step approach and not succeeded with
it or those who have an aversion to this approach for a variety
of reasons. Not all approaches to recovery from drug or alcohol
addiction works for every single person, so finding a method that
works, can sometimes be very challenging.

Twelve-step alternative
programs cater to the disenfranchised that may not accept traditional
treatment. These centers
offer substance abusers hope and help when traditional methods
haven't worked or are not in line with a person's belief system.
Over 90-percent of the current drug and alcohol treatment centers
currently use some parts of the 12-step process integrated within
their treatment models. This means that for those who have tried
traditional addiction treatment and not succeeded with it, that
perhaps an alt method or methods are needed to kick the addiction.
Some of the alternative
12-step methods promote that alcohol and drug addiction
is not a disease, abstinence is not the only solution, people
are not powerless over addictions, God or higher power based treatment
is not necessary and public meetings and life-long support groups
are also not necessary. While some see these as radical ideas,
others are relieved that they can take a different recovery path
than the norm.
With some alt programs, substance abusers may receive services
that are non 12-step based but found within the confines at traditional
treatment centers. Other services are not only alternative to
12-step but to traditional addiction therapy models as well.
Alternative Programs
- holistic therapy
- cognitive-behavioral therapy
- biofeedback
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
- experiential treatment
- motivation therapy
- social / educational programs
- self-esteem building
- life skills training
- medical treatment
- nutritional supplements
- psychological counseling
- alternative medicines
- yoga, Tai Chi and meditation training
While 12-step methods may work for the majority of people in
recovery, non 12-step treatment also offer others hope and help
when it comes to dealing with substance abuse and addiction. Choosing
the right alcohol or drug treatment center that will is engaged
in working with this specific population is of the utmost of importance.
It is necessary to note that not all methods will work for all
people, so it's important to have choices when it comes to addiction