Drug Rehab Centers
Drug rehab centers help those with substance abuse problems to
overcome and manage their addictions. Drug addiction facilities
often coexist with alcohol rehab centers since both substance
abuse problems share some similarities and many who visit a treatment
facility have both types of addictions and need to be treated
at one facility. Rehab centers also offer some unique methods
and treatments, depending upon the drugs of choice used by the
person and the person's history.
Drug Rehab Center

Addiction rehab centers
usually offer several programs including inpatient, residential,
outpatient, detox with long or short-term options.
The methods used in these different programs can
vary from 12-Step, group and individual psychotherapy to12-Step
alternative methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, the
Matrix Model, Supportive-Expressive Psychotherapy, Individualized
Addiction Counseling, Motivational Enhancement Therapy, Behavioral
Therapy and Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT).
Inpatient Centers
drug rehab centers are good choices for those with moderate
to severe drug dependency problems and a long history of trying
to maintain sobriety. Treatment at inpatient facilities can be
for as little as 28 days or for 6 months or longer, depending
upon the needs of the individual. Inpatient addiction centers
are usually located at licensed hospitals whereas residential
treatment facilities do not have to meet the same rigorous medical
standards. The cost associated with inpatient care is also generally
much higher than with residential care.
Residential Facilities
drug rehab facilities offer a "getaway" atmosphere
that cannot be offered by inpatient care in a hospital setting.
Residential centers may be offered on a ranch setting or other
types of retreat settings apart from the hustle and bustle of
daily life. These settings are thought to promote family cooperation
better than other settings. Some residential addiction facilities
focus entirely on adolescents.

Outpatient Centers
drug rehab centers are for those persons who have mild to
moderate addiction problems and a short history of substance abuse.
Most outpatient addiction facilities allow the person to stay
at home with family and continue employment while undergoing their
treatment program. The addicted person's commitment is the best
indicator for success for this type of program.
Detox Facilities
Most facilities do not focus solely on the detox portion of drug
treatment, but picking a center with a compatible drug
detox rehab program may mean the difference between success
or failure. Some rehab centers use tradition detox methods while
others have turned to newer methodology such as having the person
do detox while under anesthesia with the supervision of a board-certified
Long and Short-Term Programs
Addiction centers may offer inpatient, outpatient and / or residential
care on a long-term or short-term basis. Some will only offer
a small combination of options. For instance, some retreat residential
facilities only offer short-term (30-day) options for treatment.
Other facilities such as some inpatient hospital settings only
offer long-term (3 to 6-months or more) options.
The two largest factors in determining whether a short-term or
long-term rehab center is needed are the severity of the addiction
and the length of the history for the addiction. The higher severity
and longer history usually means a long-term addiction facility
is needed and a less severe and shorter addiction history may
be treated with intensive short-term methods.
Since there is some overlap in services, as stated before,
you can check out more information here on Alcohol
Rehab Centers.