Teen Drug Addiction
Many parents need to wake up to the fact that teen drug addiction
may be as close as their own home. No one wants to believe that
their kid is doing drugs. But the reality is that a large percentage
of teens try some type of drug at least once. That is why it is
so important to keep the lines of communication open with teenagers,
something that is difficult to do when their hormones are raging
and they are so confused about their lives.
Teen Addict

There are a number of reasons why a teenager might try drugs.
Peer pressure is one of the leading causes, which cause teens
to experiment. When a normally responsible teen hears over and
over again from their friends, "Hey, it's just one pill (hit
/ drink). Don't be such a stick in the mud," chances are
that they will eventually cave in and try it. Seeing the acceptance
of their peers, they will try it again and again. Eventually,
they are hooked and teenage drug addiction takes hold of their
No specific profile exists for a teenage drug user. The stereotypical
hoodlum or bad boy doesn't apply anymore. Teenage drug abuse and
addiction can be found in the high school cheerleader or valedictorian
just as much as in the class troublemakers. Drugs do not discriminate.
That is why parents or other adult role models need to effectively
communicate with teenagers. Teens may appear not to listen, but
they definitely hear what the adults are saying.
Unfortunately, for whatever
reason, some parents live in their own little world
and think that teenage addiction is not going to touch their family.
The fact of the matter is that no matter how good of a parent
or role model you are, teenagers may still experiment with drugs.
Teenagers are by definition at an impressionable, delicate stage
in their lives.
Taking risks allows them to escape from the daily pressures in
their lives. Whether it is pressure from a hateful bully, non-attentive
parent, divorce in the family or being overwhelmed with excelling
at school, all of this can add up to having a teen vulnerable
to using drugs to escape.

Teen Heroin Addict
Sometimes, regardless of a parent or role model's valiant efforts,
teenage addiction to drugs still takes hold. Because not everyone
is schooled at identifying drug abuse, here are a few warning
signs in teenagers that might signal drug use:
- Moodiness or behavior issue
- Change in appetite and sleeping pattern
- A new set of less-than-desirable friends and/or old friends
stop callin
- Failing or dropping grade
- Losing weigh
- Missing valuables or money in the home (teens could be
selling stuff to get drug money
- Secretive
While these are not all the warning signs, anything that seems
different or uncharacteristic of the teenager should be considered.
The only way that the teenage addiction cycle can be broken is
through consistent, calm intervention of a trusted adult. If a
teen is already into drugs, then rehabilitation and counseling
are very well necessary in order to get a teen back on track again.
There are many rehab programs available just for teens who have
chemical dependency issues and are worth checking out for those
who need help now.