Alcohol Rehab Centers
Alcohol rehab centers are often necessary for those who feel
that they have lost control due to an alcohol addiction. Not all
alcohol rehab facilities are the same though. Most will want to
choose an alcohol rehab center that is geographically close so
that they have the support of family and friends nearby if needed.
View from a recovery center

Alcohol rehabilitation facilities often share quarters with drug
rehab centers because of the similarities and treatment overlap
of the two addictions. Also, some who check into such facilities
have dual diagnoses of alcohol and drug addiction, which most
often needs to be treated under one roof.
Some of the different types of rehab centers include: inpatient,
residential, detox, outpatient, 12-Step and 12-Step alternative
centers. Also, treatment centers just for adolescents are also
Inpatient Rehab Centers
Inpatient treatment
is indicated for individuals who have had a long history of trying
to remain sober. Individuals who have made many prior attempts
on their own to remain sober fair better in inpatient treatment
programs, which are usually located in hospital settings.
Residential Rehab Centers
alcohol rehab centers offer treatment programs that are not
as structured as those at inpatient rehab centers. They may be
short-term or long-term depending upon the history of the individual
and severity of the alcohol addiction. Residential centers usually
offer a less clinical and more environmentally pleasing setting
for healing to occur.

Alcohol Recovery Facility
Outpatient Rehab Facilities
For individuals who have a recent history of alcohol abuse
and wish to correct the situation, an outpatient
rehab center may have the best outcome. These individuals
usually do not have a long history of alcohol abuse, such
as adolescent and young adult abusers, and an initial approach
of outpatient treatment and counseling is most often advised.
Alcohol Detox Rehab Centers
Alcohol detoxification is necessary before other forms of
treatments can begin. When choosing an alcohol
detox center it is important to choose one that is also
a licensed medical facility. Alcohol detox can be severe and
include many complications, so it is imperative that this
is done under the supervision of medical professionals. See
Alcohol Withdrawal for more information.
12-Step Alcohol Rehab Facilities
Like the name says, 12-step alcohol rehab centers base their
recovery programs around the 12-step model of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Some find this model makes for an easier transition when going
from inpatient treatment, to outpatient and back into a community-based
12-step support system. The 12-Step model is supported by
over 90-percent of the rehab centers nationwide.
12-Step Alternative Rehab Centers
The 12-Step model does not work for everyone. We're a proponent
of "do whatever it takes to gain and maintain sobriety"
so we present a few treatments model that can be viewed as
alternatives to the 12-Step model. A few of the reasons people
drop out of 12-Step programs include difficulty accepting
the need for a higher power, belief in a different kind of
higher power, not viewing addiction as a lifelong disease
or not wanting to attend groups. Some of the alternative treatment
models include cognitive-behavioral therapy, the Matrix Model,
Supportive-Expressive Psychotherapy, Individualized Addiction
Counseling, Motivational Enhancement Therapy, Behavioral Therapy,
Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) and other holistic
Adolescent Rehab Facilities
Adolescent alcohol rehabilitation centers specialize in the treatment
of teens for alcohol abuse. Because adolescence is a particular
tangled time developmentally and teens typically share better
with one another, special treatment centers focus just on this
particular population.
Alcohol rehab has come along way since the Betty ford clinic
opened its doors in Rancho Mirage, California in 1982. There are
many more choices for types of treatment now and much more scientific
data to support the treatment methods. The important thing to
remember is that alcohol addiction treatment can not be approached
in a cookie cutter method, since alcohol addiction affects everyone
differently. The important thing is to find what works for you
or your loved one and to do everything possible to make it work
for a lifetime.