Long Does Meth Stay In Your System?
Many people want to know how long meth (or methamphetamines)
stays in one's system or body. These people may be asking for
themselves, a loved one or out of curiosity.
Urine Drug Test Including Meth

The driving force for wanting to know how long meth can be detected
within your system is usually a job. Employers who conduct pre-job
drug screening or random drug testing
on the job put the fear into many about being caught doing drugs
and as a consequence being fired.
The simple answer to the question of how long meth is in the
system is around 3 - 6 days. It is passed out by the urine during
this time frame. A blood test or urine test after this time frame
is unlikely to show positive results.
and this is a big one, if your employer asks for a hair follicle
sample for drug screening then meth can show up in your body (the
hair) for 90 days or longer. Meth is stimulant that affects the
central nervous system of the human body.
Addicted meth users over the long haul will experience physical
deterioration because of meth usage. Methamphetamines
affect the neurotransmitters at the synapses of nerves and can
cause or exacerbate a whole host of neurological disorders and
disruptive brain functions.

Adverse Negative Effects of Meth in the Human Body
There are some medical uses for low doses of amphetamines such
as ADHD and obesity, but these are conducted with a prescription
under the care of a doctor.
There are some masking methods, techniques, potions and pills
on the market that are supposed to work in order to hide the meth
in one's body from the drug lab testers. These are basically ineffective
with the new testing techniques (although there are still some
people who swear that they have "beat the system").
Besides health risks one of the other
major risks from using meth is the loss of a job
as we have been discussing. This can also lead to the loss of
future jobs as potential employers will check the reason for the
loss of the last job.
If you came to this page looking for the answer of how long meth
stays in your body, then you may want to seek the help of a drug
rehab center. If searching for the answer for a loved one, then
helping them to do the same is also recommended.