Cocaine Facts
Cocaine facts are presented on
this page so that you can make intelligent decisions regarding
using or not using this substance or dealing with those who do
use. The facts presented are taken from many sources including
government, university and public and private research entities.
Cocaine confiscated by the D.E.A.

Some of the facts about cocaine are clearly not as important
as others. For instance, one of the tidbits about Coke that is
interesting but not particularly relevant to today's drug-using
world is that the substance was used in the 1800's for anesthesia
during ear, nose and throat surgeries.
Here are some of the more relevant cocaine
Cocaine Fact 1: The substance can be smoked, snorted
or injected.
Cocaine Fact 2: Crack is cocaine that has been processed
from cocaine hydrochloride in order that it can be free-based (smoked).
Cocaine Fact 3: Over 33 million Americans, 12-years-old
and over have tried the substance once in their lifetime.
Cocaine Fact 4: Cocaine is a stimulant extracted
from the South American coca plant, harvested by drug cartels in
Colombia and smuggled into the U. S. where a vast market exists.
Cocaine Fact 5: The use of this stimulant gives the
user an initial rush or feeling of euphoria accompanied by extra
energy. Sexuality is said to be enhanced by this drug in the short
Cocaine Fact 6: Coming down from a high can leave
the user depressed and less energetic than before. Long-term use
can lead to chronic depression.
Cocaine Fact 7: Long-term use can lead to loss of
energy and interest in sex, paranoia, memory loss, concentration
deficits and anxiety.
Cocaine Fact 8: Half a million people use this drug
every week.
Cocaine Fact 9: This stimulant raises heart beat,
blood pressure and body temperature. Heart palpitations and cardiac
arrest are frequent occurrences for those who use this drug. Over
28-percent of all emergency room visitations for drugs involve cocaine.
Cocaine Fact 10: The drug is highly addictive and
adults of 18 to 25 years use the drug more frequently than any
other age group.
These are the top 10 facts about cocaine that are relevant to people
today. By getting the facts about this illicit substance, one
can make intelligent choices about whether to use or not or how
to convince others about the merits of not using.