Outpatient Drug & Alcohol
Rehab Centers
Outpatient rehab centers are ideal for those with moderate cases
of drug and alcohol addiction, who do not have a long history
of trying to stay sober. Outpatient rehab facilities are also
a viable alternative for those with functional jobs, the primary
caretakers of small children and those who have an extensive social
support network. In addition, outpatient addiction centers may
also serve the needs of those who have been through residential
or inpatient treatment and are now looking for an outpatient aftercare
Outpatient Drug &
Alcohol Rehab Center

Less structured than either inpatient or residential facilities,
outpatient rehab facilities offer more continuity with daily living
for the clients who are not in acute withdrawal and who do not
need rigid structure in order to maintain sobriety.
Many clients in outpatient addiction centers are referred by
the courts, employers, unions, families or come because of a life
event. The goal of outpatient substance abuse centers, like other
treatment facilities, is the long-term abstinence from drugs and
alcohol, coupled with psychological, social and behavioral growth.
Many outpatient rehab facilities offer a multidisciplinary approach
to treatment, though some focus primarily upon one model or another.
Some models for treatment include the medical, therapeutic community,
social education, cognitive-behavioral, holistic, religious, 12-step
and family-based models.
Depending upon which model or models the outpatient facility
subscribes to will most often determine the kinds of services
offered at that facility.

Outpatient Substance Abuse Rehab Center
Many of the outpatient centers will offer
some of the following services:
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- 12-step work
- Alcohol and drug education
- Spirituality group
- Men's group
- Women's group
- Relapse prevention
- Short and long-term aftercare
- Life skills
- Re-socialization skills
- Pharmacological treatment
- Mental health treatment
- Drug screening
- Legal system advocacy
- Affiliations with sober living houses
Many outpatient addiction facilities will treat the clients medical
needs along with their psychological, social, behavioral, emotional
and spiritual needs as well, so that their clients may become
fully functioning, crime-free, sober individuals and contributing
members of society.
Though chemical dependency may be a biologically-based disease,
outpatient substance abuse centers understand that sobriety involves
much more than just treating the biological components. Full long-term
recovery involves helping individuals grow and mature on many
different levels and develop caring support systems in order to
maintain sobriety.