Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers
Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab centers are good choices for
those with moderate to severe substance abuse issues. This is
especially true for those who have a long history of trying to
maintain sobriety. Inpatient rehab centers, though one of the
most expensive options, afford the rehab client a structured environment
with 24 hour, 7 day a week care from medical staff, usually in
a hospital setting. The inpatient rehab units in the hospitals
have to meet rigorous medical standards in order to achieve licensing
that residential treatment facilities or other rehab programs
do not have to meet.
Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center

Rehab clients are generally treated in an inpatient setting for
as little as 28 days or for as long as 12 months. Inpatient substance
abuse rehab centers usually follow the medical model when treating
clients. Supervised detox is usually the first step in treatment
at the inpatient facilities, followed by other forms of structured
Some rehab clients have reported that entering an inpatient rehab
facility is a relief from the normal, everyday pressures from
family, friends and the workplace and a chance to singularly focus
on the recovery issues. Others report that receiving much structure
in the initial parts of the recovery process was very beneficial
to long-term success.
Some of the
services offered by inpatient addiction rehab centers may include
thorough medical exams, psychological exams, psychiatric consultations,
individual sessions with a doctor, individual counseling, group
therapy, men's groups, women's groups, medication management,
exercise and recreation, back-to-work planning, relapse prevention
and sober living skills to name the more common options.

Inpatient Room for Teens
Though most inpatient rehab facilities follow the medical model,
some may also use a multidisciplinary approach and focus on other
areas as well including the 12-step model, holistic approaches
or recovery through a religious framework. The rehab facility
will also likely treat other mental health and physical issues
alongside of the substance abuse issues.
When seeking care for yourself or a loved one at an inpatient
addiction center, find out if they are currently accepting new
clients and what forms of insurance and payment plans they accept.
Find out all of the available care options to see if the facility
is good at matching individualized needs. Make sure that besides
the inpatient treatment, that they also offer follow-up care so
that you or a loved one can receive ongoing outpatient support,
when the inpatient treatment has ended.