Slogans Against Drugs
Slogans against drugs help get the message out that using illegal
substances can mess up one's life, one's health and one's relationships.
Drug free slogans can be catchy, such as those sayings that use
rhyme or they can be to the point.
Anti-Drug Slogan

The point is, however, that anti-drug slogans are necessary to
change cultural thinking. If a message is repeated often enough,
more people will buy into it. This is where drug free slogans
come into play.
Some say that using slogans against drugs is corny and it doesn't
work. Nothing can be further from the truth. From "just
say no to drugs" to "too good for drugs", anti-drug
messages do work to change people's minds, shore up one's beliefs
and let people know that they are not alone, but rather part of
a movement towards a drug free society.
Here are some of the more popular anti-drug
- Just say no
- I'm too good for drugs
- Drug free is the way to be
- Don't choose the booze
- If you choose the booze, you lose
- What's your anti-drug?
- Stay alive. Don't drink and drive
- Shoot for the stars not your arms
- Smoking the dope won't help you cope
- Up with hope, down with dope
- If you know Jack, you won't smoke Crack
- This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?
- Drugs are retarded, so don't get started
- Say Not to Pot
- PCP bad for me
- Kiss meth mouth goodbye
- Hugs not drugs
- I'm above the influence
- Pot makes your brain rot, so lets not
- Get High on Life, not on Drugs
- You don't need Heroin to be a hero
- Be aware, don't share
- There's no hope in doing dope
This not by any means a complete list of drug free slogans. If
you have a few slogans opposed to drug use you'd like to share
then send them in and we'll post them here.
Disclaimer: Some of these anti-drug slogans have been
sent in by readers such as yourself and all of them may not be
politically correct, so please take what you like and leave the