Methamphetamines are one of the most popular and easiest to find
drugs of the twentieth century. Methamphetamines can be created
using some common chemicals that you can purchase over the counter,
which has contributed to its mainstream appeal in people of all
Crystal Meth Homemade Bong

Methamphetamines manufactured in Meth labs are located in all
different types of areas in the United States and the number has
been steadily growing through the past few years. It is a dangerous
and psychologically addicting drug that acts as a stimulant to
the central nervous system to heighten the user's alertness and
can also create euphoria.
This drug is most often smoked as a solid (crystal meth) or snorted
as a powder. Habits and mannerisms that are noticeable in someone
who is uses methamphetamines include compulsive behavior, inability
to sit still, and agitation. Addicts who use the drug often stay
up for days at a time and may never stop to eat or clean as a
normal person would. Crystal
meth effects can last for hours and those with a dependence
on the drug will crave more as they build up a tolerance.
Addicts will start taking the drug more often and in larger doses.
Any type of person is at risk of becoming addicted from merely
trying methamphetamines once because it only takes one use for
it to change someone into a dependent.

Before and After Using Meth
One of the most common and
noticeable long-term effects of using is referred to as "meth
mouth". This is the condition where the continuous
use has caused deterioration in the teeth and gums. Snorting or
inhaling the drug will cause dry mouth, and also users will often
neglect any form of personal hygiene. These problems along with
grinding and clenching will cause wear and eventually the loss
of teeth.
Meth users may also be involved in many unsafe sexual acts with
random partners that they would not normally be careless enough
be with, which can lead to life threatening diseases. Some users
die just from the damage done to the immune system or from starvation
among other things. Those who do not die may end up with psychosis,
clinical depression, and cognitive impairment.
Some people may think that experimenting with methamphetamines
is fun and exciting, however battling addiction is neither fun
nor exciting. A frightening number of people become addicted each
day and most will never recover to the point of being the friend
or family member that they once were. Methamphetamine addicts
who manage to recover live in regret and often with various negative
effects that will never be repaired.
The most positive prognosis for Meth addicts is from those who
undergo drug addiction treatment in the early stages of dependency.
Meth isn't just a drug found in the centers of large urban areas
anymore. It's also found in many suburban and rural areas throughout
the country.