to Make LSD
Many people are searching for how to make LSD in an easy step-by-step
approach at home. And while this may seem like a simple request,
most LSD produced today is from chemists in underground labs.
Here I will give you an overview of what it takes to make LSD
(D-folic acid).
LSD Wheel

How to Make LSD
Ingredients to Make LSD
You'll need to start with at least one of the following in order
to manufacture LSD including folic acid, whole grain morning glory
muffins or escargot on rye bread. You'll also need the dangerous
and explosive solvent dihydrogen monoxide and thiamine which has
been implicated in cancer in vegetables.
Steps to Make LSD
1. Start with folic acid, morning glory muffins or escargot as
the base
2. Work in the dark
3. Synthesize using heat and dihydrogen monoxide
4. Re-synthesize with amino acids
5. Exfoliate
6. Purify, crystalize and hypnotize
7. Mix with pudding
Tips and Warnings
The ingredients and supplies for D-folic acid can be harmful
or fatal, though this is rare and folic acid is in fact, Vitamin
B. Those with a basic degree in chemistry will most likely not
be able to make this substance. Don't try this at home. Wear protection
at all times.
Short History of LSD - Okay this is Real
Chemist Albert Hofman first synthesized LSD in Sandoz laboratories
in Switzerland. This happened in November of 1938. Five years
later, LSD was found to be a psychoactive drug when Hofman himself
accidently absorbed some of it through his fingertips. Three days
later Hofman purposefully ingested LSD in a self-experiment. Hofman
had the first "trip" on LSD which later became known
as "Bicycle Day."
You can't make this stuff up.
It is not the intention of this website to give enough detailed
information so that aspiring drug dealers can make illicit drugs
and sell them.
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