Crystal Meth Effects
Crystal meth effects can be severe in the short-term as well
as long-term. The effects of crystal meth use in the short-term
include mood changes such as euphoria, anxiety and depression.
Crystal Meth User

Over the long-term, effects can include a whole range of psychological
symptoms including chronic fatigue, paranoia, delusional thinking,
hallucinations and psychosis.
Besides mood changes and psychological deterioration, meth effects
can be noted in one's physical wellbeing as well. Some of the
physical effects of using methamphetamines
in crystallized form include such symptoms as blurred vision,
heart palpitations and extended vigilance and wakefulness. Long-term
use of methamphetamines can cause brain damage and damage to the
liver and lungs as well.
Other physical effects include "Meth Mouth," suppressed
appetite, sleep disturbance, increased blood pressure and in some
cases, tremors and convulsions. Strokes, coma and even death (due
to spikes in high blood pressure and heart failure) and are some
of the other long-term effects of crystal meth abuse.

Meth Mouth
Other effects occur in a
person's judgment. Automobile accidents and heavy machinery accidents
are common to users who exercise poor judgment while on the drug.
Erratic and violent behavior has been noted as effects of meth
use among some users.
Effects can be seen at the most microscopic of levels as it affects
the human body's neurotransmitters. Both dopamine and norepinephrine
are jolted into play in order to activate increased arousal in
the methamphetamine user. The effects of smoking crystal meth
can last for two to 20 hours, depending upon the dosage taken
and the person's metabolism.
Crystal meth comes in chunks that look like ice and is most often
smoked, though it is sometimes snorted or injected as well. In fact,
one of the slang terms for crystal meth is Ice, along with Speed,
Crystal, Crank, Glass, Black Beauties, Uppers, Go-Fast and Tweak.
Crystal meth is usually made in labs using toxic household and
off-the-shelf pharmaceutical substances that when combined, can
easily explode and poison surrounding soil and groundwater. Crystal
meth users will sometimes joke about smoking a combination of
laundry soap and lighter fluid.