Teen Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers
Teen and adolescent drug and alcohol rehab centers generally
take in youth in the ages ranges of approximately 12 - 20 years
of age. Teenage and adolescent drug rehab centers come in a wide
variety including detox,
and residential.
Also, offered up in the news and on television lately are different
kinds of boot camps and brat camps for teen struggling with addiction.
Adolescent drug abuse has reached epidemic proportions and has
not fallen off in recent years.
Teenager in Drug Rehab Center

But, because teen drug addiction
is based upon a specific age group, then adolescent drug rehab centers
will need to target this group specifically for optimum results.
For instance, some residential treatment programs for teens will
also target problems at school and may even offer tutoring and academics
as part of their program. Since peer pressure is especially strong
among adolescents, many rehab centers offer peer pressure counseling
as well.
By the time they are 17-years-old, 56-percent of today's teens
will know at least one drug dealer.
And, illicit drugs are not the only problems facing today's adolescents.
Prescription drug abuse
is also on the rise among teenagers. In a recent survey, 14-percent
of 12th graders reported either using Vicodin or OxyContin for
non-medical uses within the past year.
According to a study in Minnesota only one-quarter of those age
14 - 17 who need drug or alcohol treatment receive services. Persons
19-years-old or younger account for one-half of all admissions for
marijuana use or dependence.
The good
news is that adolescent drug rehab centers have also been proven
to be effective in treating adolescent drug and alcohol abuse,
accounting for decreased use in marijuana by more than one half
after treatment and better social, family and school adjustments.
Most adolescent drug rehab centers take into account specific
requirements of the youth population such as developmental stages,
ethnicity, culture of origin, gender issues, sexual orientation,
coexisting mental disorders and family issues.

Because of the nature of drug abuse among the teen population,
rehab centers will typically counsel youths on many matters surrounding
the abuse and addiction issues. For instance, matters such as
school-related problems, risky sexual practices, delinquent behavior,
crime and other issues may be addressed directly with the teenagers.
Other issues such as developmental problems due to substance abuse,
cognitive impairment, short-term memory loss and loss of comprehension
will also be addressed.
Besides offering a myriad of treatment models geared for teenagers,
adolescent drug rehab centers also offer support and resources
for relapse prevention and reintegration back into the community
of family, friends and classmates. Many teen addiction facilities
also help adolescents and families deal with issues within the
criminal justice system, if the drug abuser has also committed
criminal or civil acts as part of the drug abuse.
Community resources will be identified in order to prevent
relapse including identification of school nurses, psychologists
and drug counselors along with other public and private agencies
within the community that deal with substance abuse directly
or in a supportive role. Identifying community-based adolescent
support groups, advocacy groups, and causes that support drug-free
living will help youths to maintain sobriety over the long