Christian Drug & Alcohol Treatment
Christian drug (& alcohol) treatment centers specialize in
providing faith-based rehab for substance abusers. The idea behind
Christian addiction facilities is to provide healing using Christian
principles and other traditional methods for recovery.
Praying Hands

Christian treatment facilities are usually Jesus Christ-centered
facilities, but many will employ other methods and principles
such as the 12-steps to facilitate recovery as well.
In fact, at some Christian drug centers, the 12-steps
used will be modified slightly from the traditional verbiage to
include Christian values, principles and biblical quotes as part
of the teachings.
Some Christian drug facilities
are also affiliated with particular social service
or religious organizations such as Salvation Army, Cavalry Chapel,
Saddleback Church or those run through the Catholic Charities.
For instance, Saddleback's Celebrate Recovery program is
active in over 3,500 churches nationwide.

Christian Addiction Rehab Center
A few of the Christian treatment centers will also incorporate
groups for codependents, adult children of the chemically addicted
and those in need of anger management training as well. Whereas
12-step groups and other treatment facilities may introduce substance
abusers to a "higher power" as the means to recovery,
(and not wanting to offend anyone) the Christian centers define
that Jesus Christ and God are that higher power and the focal
point for Christian-based sobriety.
In addition to detoxification,
individual and group therapies, many Christian
addiction centers will also have Bible study groups, prayer groups
and other religion-based subgroups to compliment the more traditional
medical, psychological and social treatment models. One of the
advantages of Christian addiction programs is that the substance
abuser will be around like-minded individuals all with the common
goal of healing through the powers of God and Jesus Christ. This
kind of cohesive group atmosphere focused on spiritual healing
is preferable to many.
And, according to many Christian drug programs, the combination
of faith-based scripture and the power of the Holy Spirit is what
is needed for many people of faith to kick their addictions. Most
Christ-centered treatment facilities also focused on getting the
family involved in the healing process as well and healing the
family through prayer and Christian teachings.