to Make Crystal Meth
Crystal meth can be manufactured in the home, in mobile labs
and in superlabs which are mostly located in Central and South
America. Over 80-percent of the methamphetamines manufactured
worldwide are done so from these superlabs. However, locally made
meth usually comes from home labs or mobile labs.

Making Crystal Meth

Here is the Easy Step-by-step
Method to Make Meth at Home
1. Find cold medicine that contains galactose
2. Filter out the maltose
3. Add a lime solution
4. Bind with neuraminic acid and drain it out
5. Bubble xylose gas through the liquid
6. Important: remove all dihydrogen monoxide immediately!
7. Take the leftover crystalline galacrosamine and pour
through a filter
8. Let dry into larger crystals
9. Mix down with inert fillers (profit margin)
10. Weigh, package, ship and repeat
These 10 easy steps are all you will need in order to make the
super-secret ingredients for meth and become an overnight millionaire
in the lucrative field of drug dealing. No college degree is needed,
but a high school degree or GED is recommended.
Okay, I've really just told you how to make sugar water. Did
you really think I was going to tell you how to harm yourself
and others?
Real Facts about Meth
For every pound of meth, about 6 pounds of toxic waste is produced.
And a human head weighs 8 pounds.
Notable: More Real Stuff
You should know that during WWII in Germany there was a Nazi
meth recipe that soldiers in the field used to stay alert. In
fact, Adolph Hitler is said to have been addicted to meth.

Hitler and Meth
That Nazi meth recipe is similar to what is used in the USA today.
It was called Pervitin back then.
See this blog link for more details: Crystal
Meth Started in Nazi Germany
Tips and Warnings
The ingredients to make meth are very combustible and explosive.
Many high end meth labs are equipped with fire extinguishers,
sprinkler systems, fire retardant cloths and diapers for when
the poop hits the fan.
Meth mouth has been observed in dental labs across the United
States. However, this condition may not be passed on by kissing.

Meth Mouth
It is not the intention of this website to give enough detailed
information so that aspiring drug dealers can make illicit drugs
and sell them.
The Sermon
If you are looking to make meth in order to sell to others, think
for a moment on if this is how you would like to look back on
your life, being known as a meth dealer, probably in prison or
in rehab or both. Is this an act you'll be proud of and will boost
your self-esteem?
I know that I am sounding sermonizing here. "Thou shalt
not" is probably ringing in your ears. You may be giving
me the finger right now or shouting out the F-word. And, that's
Okay. You probably feel like you've been tricked.
You've come here looking for how to make meth and you've gotten
a sermon instead. You've just gotten a lecture on the "evils
of meth". But, then again what were you expecting coming
to a drug and alcohol rehab website looking for the answer?
This isn't very rational thinking. And, if you're not thinking
rationally, then you may need some help. Just a suggestion, but
think about it before you take that next step. This may just be
the biggest step of your life.
The Anti-Sermon
Just think about it, think about it.
I feel a bit tricked by your tactics here, but I can see
why you're doing it.
- Beth
Meth is bad, keep up the good work!
- Amit
I'm a student looking to write a paper on meth, so in that
way this site is disappointing. I need to find some real
information with references, citation and author info. If
you know of any send it may way.
- Neil
Breaking Bad tells you all u need to no.
- Moog
Updated June 18, 2013